How to buy art on-line
A lot of people ask me about how to buy on-line and what the process is.
In the past, Art Galleries dominated the art market.
That was the only way to really see art.
Today however, the internet makes life incredibly easy. You can now ‘tour a gallery’ and look at art in the comfort of your own home.
1. Choose the artwork you like. I hope you love something here in my shop.
If it helps I am able to connect via a video call (FaceTime, WhatsApp, Messenger) to discuss a piece and give you a sense of scale and colour.
2. Click to complete a purchase. Buy securely via PayPal or your Credit Card
3. Art is carefully Wrapped and Shipped to your door - ready to enjoy!
Original Canvasses and Framed Work come with wire ready to hang.
You can always call or email if I can help with any tips or questions.
Good luck.
Lionia. x